
I hope you find something you love here. Read on to find out more about me and my work, and if that leaves you with any questions, just ask.

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About me

Hi, my name is Karen and I am the artist behind all the works you can see on this site.  I was born, raised and went to university in France, then moved to London on a bit of an exploratory whim, for ‘a few months’ that turned into the rest of my life so far…

Drawing, painting, creating and making things have always been part of my life in some way, at times continuously and at times in light, roundabout touches while other big life events took over.  It’s only in my early forties though that painting became true work, in the best possible sense of the word.

I developed my practice under the guidance of great teachers, and through interaction with other artists who were further along on their journey than me, and made me want to approach my work in similar ways.  This is still the way that I learn and grow.  

I draw inspiration mostly from post-impressionism onwards.  I look to artists past and present for whom colour is a central feature, and who convey the world without being too wedded to realism.  I love materials in themselves; exploring what paint can do often takes me to the edge of abstraction.

My own interests have naturally shifted over the years, but for the past few I have been drawn to the beauty of moments, the mundane, the day-to-day. The details and sights that we take for granted when we walk past them; the things that aren’t conventionally beautiful unless you look at them from a certain angle.  Giving permanence to things that are fleeting, slowing down and appreciating what is here, have been my main intentions.

To find out more about my practice, works in progress, or opportunities to see my work in person, you can subscribe to my email updates and follow me on Instagram, which is my main social media channel.  The links are below.  

If you have questions, then please feel free to get in touch via the Contact page above. 

I hope that you find things here that resonate with you,
